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 Pilots Corner.



Are you feeling turbulence in your personal and/or professional life?


Let's bring our community together and take a journey in self discovery and emotional wellbeing.


Gord is now offering private coaching for all pilots interested in learning mindfulness and social emotional strategies. Coaching sessions are intended to support in the following areas:


  • Identify & regulate emotions

  • Actively listen and communicate

  • Manage stress and anxiety


Email us to book an appointment!


We also have new online courses open to everyone! We invite you, your family, and friends to check out our upcoming schedule.




 Gord's Newsletter.

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reveal your happiness.

We humans are born with happiness in our heart. It is always a part of us but it gets covered up with everything we pile on top of it. Revealing happiness has become a daily practice for me. I’ve found focusing on my values, biases, and attention helpful and share some insights in my spring blog.

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bullying: behind the curtain

For the longest time I didn’t know how to recognize bully behaviour. I trained with a guy who was constantly putting me down and I would feel confused and take it personally. I thought 'What have I done to be treated this way?' I came to the misguided conclusion that I must deserve the treatment I was getting.

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everyone is doing their best

An Accident Analysis course contributed to my “big picture” awareness in such a lasting way! I learned to be less judgmental and more interested about why the people involved in the accidents did what they did. And going forward, I learned to inquire into my own behaviours and consider why I’m compelled to do what I do.

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let's stay connected!


I write a newsletter blog about once a month to highlight what I'm learning through the conversations I have with other pilots. 


Please join our growing community of pilots supporting each other through stress.

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